Time billing invoices to show both activity Description AND Notes
Hi all,
We use time billing a lot, being in the construction industry. Time Billing is great asset for anyone in this field that use daily hire dockets. But it's lacking in terms of effeciency.
When entering the dockets into the Time Billing section, you need to have the activities already set-up. Because it's already set-up, you can't then change the description in the Time Billing section until you hit the invoce. So while entering each transaction in Time Billing, the relating docket number needs to then be entered into the Notes field. However, when preparing Time Billing into an invoice, the invoice only allows either Activities field or Notes field to display, not both which is stupid. I need to have the description there for each line transaction, plus the docket number. Therefore I am double entering the docket numbers, which is such a waste of time. I don't know how such a simple feature is missing. I'm sure many would benefit from having the activity and notes fields incorporated into one or two seperate fields on the invoice.
Please make this happen asap!!