AshL's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

To Do List: Stock Alert - My item and Supplier's Item Numbers

I would love to see the item number displayed in the stock alert, not just the item name. We have a lot of items with the same name but different item numbers so this is very useful to us.


  • AshL's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Yes I do mean the stock alert list. I have version 2016.3 but can't see the 'Insert/Modify' option that you're talking about?

  • beatsonic's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Another example of how much of a dismal failure MYOB has become.

    Inventory is an absolute joke!

    Basic functionality like this should be a very simple thing to fix IF the software has been designed correctly. Yet a request from nearly 5 years ago still has not been able to be achieved.

    Realistically, we should not need to request specific changes to every single window or report like this! There is no reason why a well designed software should not have the same "select columns to view/arrange" that is applicable, avaliable in every single window / report.

    Starting to seem like MYOB is being held back not only by its idiology of the way they priorities updates (to favour accountants and book keepers rather than real world business users), but by its raw structure of its DB and its lack of future viability.

    It seems the days of persisting on "future updates" are somewhat pointless because MYOB neither cares about their users, or seems to have the ability to respond to our requests for basic functionality.

    Time to jump ship lads and ladettes!!!

  • So this request was made 6yrs ago.

    Any business that uses inventory need to see the part number as well as the description when looking at the TO DO LIST -> Stock alert.

    I am new to MYOB (1yr) and it seems that the development team dont have any interest in making changes that help the end user.

    Why is that?

  • Yes same here, I repair mowers and engines, probably stock 30 or so different air filters and spark plugs, on the stock alert I only see the word 'air filter' or 'spark plug', item number does come up if I click on it and it goes to the Purchase order but that is time cnsuming, if item number was showing it would be so helpful and so much quicker