S_U's avatar
10 years ago

User Access: Ability to restrict card balance



We have setup a login restriction for staff member, so they can only access to their timesheet. However, when they enter their timesheet and select customer name, the current balance for the customer  will also show up at the right hand column. We can remove this column when we right click and select "Remove This Column". However, when we login next time, the customer current balance will show up again. 


We just want the staff members to enter their timesheet and restrict all other information. 


Could you please advise if this can be added to the wishlist for the up coming MYOB version? If so, could you please let us know when can this function to be available? (hopefully this can be done as soon as possible)


Thanks so much, 

"Access restriction to Current Customer Balance"


  • Version : AccountRight plus AU

    It's not good that every user in our company can see "overdue" "balance" amount in card list of every customer.
    But it's necessary for them to make access to card file.

    Unfortunately once the user has access to the card they will also have access to the details within the card...this includes the "overdue"  and "balance"

    it's necessary to have more flexibility of user access settings on card file.

    "Overdue" and "Balance" shall be available of being visible or invisible to users.

    Edited by Steven_M 26/08/2014 adjusting the Idea's name to more appropriate

    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff
      Status changed:

      Hi SFC-A 

      Thanks for the feedback in regards to the AccountRight program and the overdue/balance field on the Customer Card screen. As this feature this is a relevant new feature its great  to get some feedback in regards to it.

      I would encourage others that would like to see the feature to restrict access to the overdue/balance field on the customers card to vote and comment if required.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thanks for the idea. Anyone else who like to see payslips with customers available, but not access to see customer balances, please cast your vote here. Please note, that the customer column will only appear if you use timebilling. If you don't use timebilling, then go to setup and click preferences. Here click the system tab, and select 'payroll' rather than 'Time Billing And Payroll' in the 'I use Timesheets for' option.
  • Dee-Workman's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    I have a couple of clients who want their staff to be entering their own timesheets into the system, however, they don't want the employee to be able to see the current balance column below when selecting customers.  Can we please have that column removed or the option to not show it :smileyhappy:





  • Is there any update on the ability to permanently remove the customer balance column.  I have the same concern that staff entering time sheets can see the value of the outstanding invoices.  We're using AccountRight 2015.4.

  • Hi Paul_Mc

    Thank you for your comments.

    Currently this idea has been marked as Under Consideration. At this stage we don't have a time frame  for when this particular idea will be marked for development and implemented into the program. However we do encourage clients that would like see this idea to vote and comment if required for this idea 

  • When setting up a new user, i want to restrict him to only enter quotes. I can have him do that but when he selects the customer he can see the current balance of that customers account.


    I find this function pointless because i have restricted him from everyting else, why would i want him to see how much customers owe me.


    I have asked MYOB support, they advise no solution. It should be a function that you can disable.


    Thanks - Rebecca

  • For employees -In timebilling/enter timesheet/customer......only show customer name and ID, not show current balance for a customer as it invades their privacy as well as the business owner's privacy.

  • I am hoping that I can stop users seeing is what I owe to my suppliers, when they raise a Purchase Order a dropdown menu is available for them to pick which company,however it also says customer balance which I don’t think they need to see,any suggestions would be appreciated

  • roux's avatar
    Contributing User

    This is a big issue for us as well.  We do not want Staff to see the Customer Balance.