Fiona_Ellis's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

User Access: My custom reports only reports created by user

Since 2014.2 was released we now thankfully have more specific user access control options, which is great. HOWEVER, something really needs to be done about user access controls re. Custom reports. Presently, if a user has access to custom reports they can see ALL custom reports which have been created. This is a problem because, for example, a sales rep who needs to access his / her custom sales reports can also see the sensitive financial or wages custom reports that have been created by the company's accountant.


There needs to be some way of restricting access to certain custom reports, so that a user with access to custom reports cannot also see those that are confidential. Perhaps some form of password protection could be introduced? The creator of the custom report would then be able to password protect his report so that access would then be restricted to those knowing the password. An Enter Password field could be put in the Filter Report area per below. Probably easier said than done, but this problem really needs to be addressed.



"User Access Controls re. Custom Reports"


  • Tina2013's avatar
    Contributing Partner

    Has this issue been sorted yet?  I do not want certain staff looking at some reports.  Especially ones to do with Payroll.  How can we restrict this?

  • jcbc's avatar
    Experienced User

    I totally agree

    this is the same with the online access

  • Totally agree on this.
    We have the same issue with our sales reps and it is very frustrating !

  • Fiona_Ellis's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It's now nearly 8 YEARS AGO that I posted this suggestion, and still nothing has been done. Seems to me that there are many users crying out for user access control around custom reports to be sorted.


    PLEASE MYOB can something be done on this? We have waited far too long for something that is so important.