JenDPT's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 months ago

Annual leave balance report in NZ

Can NZ Payroll please have an Annual Leave Balance Summary report added.

We used this report to record our Holiday Pay liability.


"If you're looking for the totals of hours taken, hours accrued, and available hours for each employee within a specific period of time, you may run the leave balance report by going to Reporting >> Reports >> Payroll >> Leave Balance. This will show you the list of all leave payroll categories in your file. We also have the detailed leave balance report. "





  • Thanks Janelle6 , i have now run the report you suggested. Appreciate the help. Baffles me why such an integral report wasnt added to the NZ version when Australia already has it in theres. I guess thats the downfall of using an integrated system and not a stand alone Payroll system, the accounting things always take priority. 

  • JonathanP - I did find if you run a pay items transaction report, you can view what leave has been paid over the period of time you select. 

  • Leneth_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi all, we appreciate your participation in voting and providing comments on this idea. We acknowledge the significance of this report to your business, and we assure you that your feedback will be communicated to the team for thorough consideration. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support.

    Please do not hesitate to post again if you need help in the future.


  • Totally agree, This is unbelievable that there is no Leave Summary Report. We just got upgraded and now i have to individually match off each employees leave via the Employees Tab against the report i produced from Essentials before the changeover to make sure its all correct. BTW no information has carried over for Annual or Sick Leave into the only Leave Taken Report that i have.

  • Is there any progress on this vital report? We have just been upgraded and it blows my mind this isn't a standard report. Unbelievable. 

  • Leneth_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi JenDPT
    Thanks for your post and welcome here to the Community Forum.


    We appreciate you notifying us about your suggestion, specifically the addition of the Annual Leave Balance Summary Report for NZ Payroll to help manage your Holiday Pay liability. We apologize for any challenges you've encountered because this feature is currently unavailable, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. We will make sure to pass along your feedback to the team. 
    Feel free to come back to the Community Forum if you have any more questions, we are more than happy to assist. 