kmh's avatar
12 years ago

Bank transactions: Exclude inactivate accounts in allocate account list

I have flagged a number of accounts inactive on behalf of a client so that they do not allocate any transactions to them however, these accounts still show in the list of available accounts albeit with (inactive) in brackets.


Can you please add something to the software so that any accounts that are flagged as inactive cannot be used or allocated to??






  • Perdisco's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    When a bank account is marked as inactive it still appears in the current list of accounts that can be reconciled in the bank/credit card reconcilation page. Inactive bank and credit card accounts should not be offered as available for reconcilation. In all other contexts, inactive accounts do not appear in the list of active and selectable accounts - which is the point of marking them inactive. If it is necessary to provide an access point for historic reconcilations of now inactive accounts, then a "show inactive" option could be provided. this would prevent old and closed accoutns from appearing in the list and causing confusion because they "look" like they still exist and should be reconciled.


    (NOTE: I am not talking about wanting to delete inactive bank accounts, they should correctly remain in the full account list but be marked as inactive - as per now. It is only that those inactive bank and credit card accounts should not be shown in the bank reconcilation window.)

  • Thanks KMH for your feedback.


    This is annoying and should be a simple fix. Let me look into it. I have noticed it is working fine for Spend and Receive Money but not for the banking screen :(


    We have a chocker 3-5 weeks of work in progress, so it maybe hard to slip in, but I will try.

  • CloverQ's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thank you all for your interest for this idea.


    With the new Bank Transactions interface, inactive accounts no longer show up as one of the possible matches when allocating bank transactions. 

  • Hi,


    In the "Bank Transactions" drop down list, all "Inactive" Accounts still appear in the list.

    I'm sure you would agree that only "Active" accounts should appear in the drop down list for selection.


    It's really annoying.


    Please fix this.


    Thank you!
