Pete747's avatar
Contributing Partner
9 years ago

Contacts: ABN Lookup to Essential

Dear MYOB,

Can we have the ABN Lookup feature added to Essentials.

it would be good to have this as a entry field at the earliest stage of entering a supplier, or allocating a bank feed so that GST status can be determined easily. Essentials is geared towards smaller businesses, who are less likely to understand the GST rules. many incorrectly charge GST when not registered for GST. this can lead an unsuspecting Purchaser to claim GST when they are NOT ENTITLED.

Over to you, 




"ABN Lookup to Essential"


  • We need to be able to tell in our Essentials if someone's ABN is active or not. This would be very helpful. It was be even better if MYOB can tell us who the ABN belongs to.

  • Kym__Yeoward's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Pete747 - good idea !


    In Australia, a sole trader business can have an ABN but not be registered for GST,

    as they don't have to register for GST if their turnover is under $75,000.

    If they aren't registered for GST, they are  not entitled to charge GST or claim GST credits on their purchases.

    They should ensure their tax invoices show that no GST has been charged, or show the GST amount as Nil.

    Their customers will NOT be able to claim a GST credit for these purchases.

    This is an issue in  industries where invoicing is GST- inclusive - e.g tradesmen.


  • JB1551JB's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    Definately needs to be added to Essentials - as a BAS agent we are to check all suppliers GST status - this is really hard to do when there is no information in Essentials as per the AccountRight card details - this needs to be added  as ther is other software out there that makes this checking process easy.... don't lose market share over a small addition ..

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    When creating or editing a supplier contact card, MYOB Business will check the ABN that is listed. 

    There is even the ability to open the ABN lookup website if you come across an invalid one.