kmh's avatar
13 years ago

Contacts: Individual Payment Terms

We need to be able to apply Payment Terms to Individual Customers. We suggest for this to be an option to be set up under the customer details.


Currently you can only set the payment terms at a global level and have to change it every time you create an invoice for a customer with different payment terms than what has been set as default.


Can you please look at this asap as this would save time & improve efficiency!


"Individual Payment Terms (customers and suppliers)"




  • rhave's avatar
    Experienced User

    This is such a pain as we have both commercial & private clients and are often changing payment terms!! Would love this asap!!!

  • S_D_L's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Great to see users ideas being acted on. The most recent additions are very welcome. As a follow on from the payment terms, it would be great to see the payment terms upgrade added to the contacts tab as well. When setting up a new contact, whether customer or supplier, it would be advantageous to set a default payment terms for that contact.

    It's great to see the ability to add individuals on invoicing as our customers are individual patients. It would also be advantageous for individual records to be sorted by surname. It's the way the world searches and it allows for couples to be under the same record.


  • In Essentials ... Set Payment terms ... Every time you enter a new contact you have the option to enter their payment terms 7 days, 14 days, etc thereby whenever you select that contact for the supplier of the bill and you enter the date of the bill, you automatically get the payment due date pop up.

  • I agree, please allow the default payment term to be overridden with a per customer payment term located on the customer page.

  • HEATHZ's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It would make life so much easier if MYOB either went back to the way that it was previously in that when you entered a supplier or customer invoice it would automatically set the day due as the same date as the date of the invoice instead of randomly guessing and pulling dates out of MYOB's you know what or IDEALLY if you could go into the  customer and supplier screens and add the terms when you are setting the customer/supplier up so it could be a certain number of days or end of following month.  Currently myob guesses whatever has been used for the last customer and tries to apply it to each future customer which unless you are real savy you can end up giving a cash customer a 30 day account and the supplier invoices are just a guess of one calendar month from today's date not even a calendar month from the date of the invoice you are inputting, how silly.

    • HEATHZ's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      That would be fantastic, please tell me how we use that on an ipad whilst being a MOBILE business that needs to do invoices up on the fly and get them sent to customer immediately to pay via eftpos? All good, once end of quarter happens I will be going to xero which offers everything but on a cloud base with no compromise on quality. Why should I have to go to amore comprehensive accounting package with myob when the previous liveaccounts was doing EVERYTHING I needed until you did the lousy update and stuffed it all. Can't you see how many displeased customers you have?

    • HEATHZ's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Wait for it, there's a generic response from the myob team coming, just like the other how ever many issues I've posted about since the UPGRADE lol this software is doing my head in

  • Montyburns's avatar
    Contributing User

    How about turning off the FORCE to Number in the Payment Terms field so wee can also add free entry text..  Like Due On Receipt.. or 50% Deposit.

  • HEATHZ's avatar
    Experienced Cover User
    Would love to be able to set up different customers and suppliers with different payment terms. It's a real hassle just having one length of time across the board!
    • Nokia couldn't catch up with Apple, you guys are No Nokia so please fix those issues