sutha's avatar
Contributing Cover User
9 years ago

Invoice and quote options: Additional layout options

Can MYOB Essentials provide more Invoice Layout Options? For those of us who need to add quite a lot of text, for each line, the layout doesn't really work (ie. it doesn't present nicely on the print out).


"Invoice Layout Options"


  • The 2 options for invoice are not great. The services option doesnt allow for items and the services and items has too much information making the description secontion to small. This is not great look and for viewing when editing. maybe at least have it so you can change the size of each option? The discount section is permantely fixed to the services and items option and is pointless most of the time. Can you allow for either customer templates and have an otion to remove or show the different headings? 

  • Kaye_H's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    There needs to be the ability to do more customising of invoices in the new Essentails.  The two choices given are not at all adaptable, and don't suit all situations.

  • Hello,


    I charge my clients for my services based on my time and an hourly rate that is saved against items I have created for each of the services I perform. Many of my clients want me to invoice them fortnightly or monthly because that aligns with their invoice runs, but they would also like to know the specific details of each service I performed for them on each invoice line, including date, rate, and hours worked. 


    My proposal is for an invoice layout that is similar to the Services and Items layout but would simply allow a date to be entered on each invoice line. This date would be printed on the invoice at the start of each line. The line date would not affect payments because any payments would be related back to the invoice, not to the individual line.


    This proposal differs from the Services layout that I have been using for this because it would allow an item to be selected and then the item description, price and units would automatically be added to the line.





  • The 2 invoice template options currently offered do not meet our requirements. I would like suggest the Services Invoice option includes the ability to enter units (hours) and Unit Price. 

  • Flaxworx's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi there,


    I have been using Essentials for over 2 years now (on the advise of my accountant) - however apart from getting all my banking feeds and tax stuff sorted it is not very useful to me in one of the most time consuming part of my little art business - being able to write and customize Quotes and Invoices (partial and final).


    The two template options do not work for me at all.


    The closest would be Items and Services but I would like to change the actual names (headers) of the colums - as it stands I write all my Quotes (and resulting invoices) in word ...


    I usually have 2 differnet templates - but the one used most often has 5 colums - one with a number format (as in how many items), second is detailed description of goods and services (with unlimited amount of letters below), and then 1 price per inch (yes inch)  .. excl. gst, total price of item and finally Total (defned by how many there are - as in first colum) - now I do get that this might actually need to be one extra colum for any maths to work behind the scenes - e.g. lets say I am looking at 3 items with the same size - lets say 30" - I have a price per inch price and then a price per item - lastly price for all 3 - in order to get the price per item to correspond with  the 30" I guess I would have to have a separate colum   - but that aside - I would be happy already if I could just change the header accordingly.... 


    I asked about this when I first signed up to Essentials but back then there was intrest but nothing came of it - so here I am trying my luck again...


    If at least I could change the header description that would help.


    The other thing of course is I do require deposits, and then depending on the order size there may be 2- 5 payments that will have to have separate invoice numbers over many months - how could I possibly deal with this?


    Or shall I just stick with Word... ? 

  • In accountright you can select the layout of your invoice eg: professional.

    In essentials there is only Services or Items & Services.

    Our client puts the date in the first column of his invoice (professional layout) and then the description however in essentials he can’t do that under the services layout.

    Will essentials have the same layouts as accountright or will there be a feature to add the date column?


  • MrBlob197's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Personally, I'd like to be able to remove the item codes from the invoice that the customer gets.

    My customers have no need to see the code I use for an item, as it just confuses some people and makes things look untidy.


    Thank you.

  • Eva2's avatar
    Cover User

    I would also love to be able to add one or two fields to the head of the invoice, it would be great if there were one or two fields you could name with free content that could be added to the invoice layout. (I need this to add the contact details of another person to the invoice).

  • JB1551JB's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    Some default text fields in invoices are not long enough for the text to be on one line - for example the company name is spread over 2 lines in the header field - I am suggesting that we can expand these default text fields to fit the text for smarter formatting for the client to be able to send confidently from Essentials