jwaltho's avatar
4 hours ago

Payroll - Base Hours

Base hours are being picked up when using timesheets. It is only when you process the payroll that you have to manually adjust the total hours to be paid.

In the employee's card file, you can not have zero hours in a standard pay.

After an hour on the phone to MYOB, the very helpful Jessie advised that it was a backend problem that the software team will work on.

Double check the hours to be paid when processing the payroll.


  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi there jwaltho


    In Standard Pay, you can zero out the base hours if needed. Especially when you're using timesheets. This is to make sure that the number of hours in the Standard Pay will not be added on the base hours from timesheets. Here's a sample screenshot of the Standard Pay that you can zero out.

    Feel free to post again if there's anything you need assistance with.


    Best regards,


    • jwaltho's avatar

      Thanks Doreen,

      This is what MYOB support tried, as well as myself, but as I use the desktop version of AR, the system will not let you have zero base hours. It is a glitch in the system that they are now looking into.