SonicSecurity's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Sales: Activity record

At the bottom of each invoice you have a record of the activity for the invoice. The only thing that it serves to do is record when it was created and when it was paid. 

I know I keep harping on about it but Freshbooks had a record of its creation, any edits, when it was sent and when it was paid. A true history of every invoice not just a partial one.

Is there a possibility of improving this activity record?

"Activity record"


  • Hi Neri

    Thank you for your feedback in regards to this idea I have shared it with the team.

  • Yes, full history including when email was sent and any edits would be great.

  • I'd very much like email/print dates to be listed as a confirmation for myself of when I sent the invoice.

  • CloverQ's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thank you all for your interest for this idea. 


    With the Online Invoice option enabled, the Activity list inside an invoice has been improved to show more information, including the date it was created, printed, emailed/rejected, email address(es) sent to, date it was viewed and paid by the customer.