jwhitty's avatar
Contributing User
12 years ago

Sales: Create new - Retain original entered date

Hi all,


I've just backloaded three months of data for my small business, and typically I will load data once, maybe twice, per month so the experience is probably going to be similar each time.


Entering my expenses, I made so many careless errors with dates. Firstly I have specifically entered a date not today (so, July 1 in this example) and I am entering a few things. I entered the first Expense, then hit the button to save and add another. This gives me a fresh screen that has defaulted the dates to today. For every single invoice I had to change the date, which was exceptionally annoying for dates where I did processing and there was numerous transactions on the same day as the last.


I absolutely agree that the screen should default to 'today' when it first opens. I'd like to suggest that the use of the button to save and add another should keep the last used dates by default.




"Ease of use: Input defaults"


  • chipn's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    When processing invoices which i normally do in batches why when i enter the date of the invoice & complete the transaction & go to do the next invoice why does the date not stay as it was on the previous invoice instead of reverting back to the current day date. It means I have to re enter the date completely from scratch as opposed to having the option of using the same date or maybe changing it to the next day as opposed to changing the day & month as it is now. Thanks


    "Date Entry"

    • StephenL's avatar
      MYOB Staff

      Hi Chipn,


      I will move your post to the 'Suggest an enhancement' section of the LiveAccounts forum. You are right that currently each invoice is considered completely seperate and reverts back to the default date.

      • chipn's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Stephen, thanks seemed a natural thing to me as it is the way MYOB V18 operated & if it aint broke don't change it.

    • chipn's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      When will planned moved to implemented?

  • Status changed:
    Hi jwhitty, Thanks for your feedback. We are continually updating our workflow so we will look into your suggestions. On a side note, I wonder why you are manually entering in prior month expenses. Could you not just import your bank statement for the 3 months or 2-4 weeks and then allocate those specific transactions to their appropriate account. This approach would cut down your time doing the books. It takes me about 5-10 minutes to allocate my transactions on a monthly basis. I do have 3 of my bank accounts linked and another 2 I have to manually import the QIF's. Super easy and super quick. Linking your bank accounts takes about 1-2 weeks and then your bank transactions come in automatically into LiveAccounts. Hope this helps. Richard Puffe LiveAccounts Product Manager
  • Hi, i seem to have an issue with reaccuring past dates? I can change a date to the previous day to log account payments but when i go back into my daily work, the date throughout the day keeps jumping back. It is very frustrating to keep changing the date throughout the day.