becn's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Sales: Include Purchase Order on Invoices page



It would be great if the Purchase order number could be displayed in one of the columns when looking at the list of invoices (whether paid, overdue or current) - perhaps between the invoice number and customer name.


This would save a lot of time searching to see if an invoice has been created against a particular invoice (rather than opening up each individual invoice)





"Purchase order number displayed on list of invoice"


  • becn's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Steven_M I understand how the ctrl f function works, my point is that if I type the PO number (that I know is on the invoice, even copy and paste it into the ctrl f search) it won't bring up the invoice that the PO relates to know. The only reason I know the invoice number is because it is sitting in front of me.


    The implementation of the PO number on the invoice screen is absolutely useless until you can search like you can search for a customer or the invoice number.


    please tell me that this will be fixed and released in the very near future so we can actually use it and not have to wait another 4 years. 





  • Hi becn



    As mentioned, the initial release of the Customer PO No field was to include this in the Invoices window. Adding the ability to search that field is something that we are still looking into for the future - we don't have a time frame for when this will be a searchable field at this stage.

  • s_mcdonald's avatar
    Contributing User

    Don't worry it is being considered. It'll only take 4 years to implement. 

  • becn's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Steven_M you can't be serious - we are able to search on every other field that is on the invoice screen except the PO field which was the initial request, why would you implement something in a screen that doesn't have the same functionality as everything else on that screen - you can not mark this as implemented when it is only half done!!! I've just logged into essentials and I even get a notice up the top about how this 'workflow improvement' has been implemented - there is no improvement. Such as a waste of time!!!
    It can not be that hard to make the PO field have the ability to be search like the other columns.


  • Hi becn


    This particular idea was marked as Implemented based on the initial premise of the original idea which was to have the Customer Purchase No. shown on the Invoices window, which has been included in our recent MYOB Essentials update.


    The initial stage of development on this is to have the Customer Purchase No shown on screen. following on from that we are looking into the ability to search that window for values going forward.

  • becn's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Steven_M I don't agree with your initial premise comment. I wouldn't have thought it needed to be spelt out that if we wanted something added to the Invoices screen/window, that we would want it to have the same functionality that everything on that screen has - we are able to search anything else in all the other information displayed on that screen.

    Part of my request - almost 4 years ago - stated 'This would save a lot of time searching to see if an invoice has been created against a particular PO (rather than opening up each individual invoice)' the word 'search' was mentioned in that. I'm pretty sure throughout the numerous comments over the years, that searching would have been mentioned. The fact that another user's first comment, within a very short time frame of you posting saying this was implemented, was along the lines of 'are we able to search the PO number' - this is from a user - how could the developers not pick up the fact that the users may want to search this field.

    Again we keep paying increased monthly subscription prices for formatting and colour changes, surely some of this extra money can be spent making the system work to it's full potential.


    Really, really disappointed in the lack of effort from MYOB's end!

    • TCS's avatar

      I was using the MYOB desktop version where I could view the Customer Purchase order numbers from the Sales Register view (see on my attached doc). I would love to be able to view it like this with the PO numbers in MYOB essentials! PLEASE!!