HIBABE's avatar
Cover User
12 months ago

Supplier/ Customer default Tax code

Hi Team,


Please let the MYOB business users have default Tax code for the suppliers/customers + transaction Tax code report. This is very essential for GST reconciliation and preparing Business Activity Statements.

I have seen a lot of mistakes/erros with tax code since the users use MYOB business, and the absense of the above functions heavily affect/ causes the situation. 


Please consider this matter and help the users using MYOB.

Kind regards,


  • I totally agree this is an essential function to easily prevent GST errors.

  • Leneth_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Thanks for your post and welcome here to the Community Forum. We are grateful for your effort in bringing your concern to our attention, and we are truly thankful for your patience and understanding during this time. 
    We understand that having a default tax code for the suppliers/customers transaction is essential for your daily workflow and we appreciate your feedback. Please be assured that all this feedback is monitored by the developer's team and will be added to the product roadmap based on feature request. Your ideas and feedback are greatly appreciated. We will relay your idea/feedback to the relevant team. 
    Feel free to come back to the Community Forum if you have any more questions, we are more than happy to assist. 