ThomasV's avatar
Cover User
8 years ago

Templates: Customise Footer

Essentials allows you to create a custom header, but how about a footer.
I find that the default footer with bank details consumes far too much space on invoices.  a simple footer where bank details and other payment methods can be added or an image to include all that taking less space would be more ideal and allow room for more item lines


"Invoice layout - footer section"


  • would love to have the ability to add a footer section to add invoice terms and conditions in Myob Essentials
    • ABS2's avatar

      Julia_Berkhout wrote:
      would love to have the ability to add a footer section to add invoice terms and conditions in Myob Essentials

      Oh that would be brilliant! 

    • TC1808's avatar
      Experienced User
      That would be great! At the moment it is frustrating to lose your warranty/terms and conditions every time you create an invoice from a quote, which we do on nearly every job. Having a fixed field, similar to your business details would be very time saving.
    • ABS2's avatar

      Definitely need this feature! 

  • Please.  Can we have this?  Would be great to add in paypal and such as payment methods in the footer!!!  Makes sending MYOB invoices anoying as some people request paypal so I have to also sent a payment request from paypal too!!  Too much double handling with MYOB product!!!!