The ability to have separate emails for invoices and statements has become more important over the past 12 months with automated invoice processing becoming more popular. We now constantly receive requests to send statements and invoices to different email addresses.
- Karen11Experienced User
Hi Louise, I agree, we deal with a lot of clients who now have different emails for receiving invoices and statements/follow up queries. Shouldn't be too hard to have the option for additional email addresses.
- AmandaCLMYOB ModeratorStatus changed:NewtoClosed
Hey everyone! We've seen a lot of support for this idea over the years but unfortunately it is not something we are planning to explore.
With a stronger feedback loop now in place, we have started a new Ideas Exchange to create a space that’s more engaging and responsive for everyone. This idea has been reposted after seeing a lot of support from our community members over the years. For more information, please refer to this post.
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