Suziee01's avatar
2 months ago

Limited invoice customisation

Having a few customers on account right, they are looking to migrate to MYOB Business but the one thing that holds them back is the limitations of customising invoices.  Certain business need to add conditions on their invoices.  MYOB business does not have enough flexibility to do this.  eg if a customer has a set invoice in account right, they like and have worked on it to include everything they need to ensure they have legal ability to collect payment.  They cannot import that format.  


MYOB Business is a cheaper option for many smaller businesses but the restrictions of the invoicing layout is preventing them moving over.  


  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey Suziee01

    We've recently introduced the ability to toggle on/off a separate field for Terms & Conditions which will appear on the second page of the document. More information and instructions can be found on this page!


    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. If there's anything else that comes to mind, feel free to post in the MYOB Business Ideas Exchange again - we'd love to hear it!