Improvements to Banking Get Statement function in AccountRight Live

The 'Get Statement' function within the banking command centre needs to be improved for AccountRight Live.


As bookkeepers and accountants, we have many clients who need to use this function as their bank account or credit card is not supported by the bank feeds function and therefore can't be linked up.


It is very timeconsuming when importing any QIF file when you need to add a transaction - especially when there are multitudes of them.


Clients who use AMEX and Paypal are currently the most affected as neither are supported via bank feeds and therefore we need to use the 'Get Statement' function.  We then need to manually add every single transaction which is tiresome especially when the same transaction occurs multiple times.  We aren't the only ones experiencing this either - there are many posts already in this forum requesting solutions (add to bank feeds / improvements to Get Statement function etc).


I'd like to see the 'Get Statement' function in AccountRight Live match the 'Get Statement' function in the current AccountEdge software, namely:

  • Ability to add rules to the imported unmatched transctions
  • Ability to quickly enter the account and job codes against unmatched transactions on the same screen without needing to open up the Spend/Receive Money windows.


This will significantly improve the bank reconciliation process for everyone who can't use the bank feeds function and are therefore forced to use the Get Statement function.

1 Comment

  • SimonNZ's avatar
    Experienced User

    When working with downloaded bank statements in the 'Unmatched Statement Transactions' Window, it would be a great little auto function if MYOB could automatically click the correct deposit to account - i.e. the cheque account as that's where the data has come in from in downloaded statement.


    If data had previously been allocated to another account prior (i.e. a cheque had been received and added to the undeposited funds account, then MYOB will just use the prior account used. It would save a little time for the user and also prevent errors in account allocation if MYOB would recognise the data was coming from a cheque account not into undeposited account. Can't remember this issue in MYOB vz 19.x but I haven't checked that. Would be nice if MYOB was a little more 'intelligent' in these aspects, so to speak.