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Payroll Reporting (STP): Send Email to business indicating rejected pay event





3,363 Posts

A word of warning and a suggestion.


I went to a client today who I had set up for STP and from the first of July to 4th of August all reports were sent and accepted at the ATO.


When I checked her payroll reporting centre today I found all the weekly pays since then had been rejected, resaon being that the ATO had not been notified of the software provider.  I went through the steps again using my BAS agent number, client is on my client list and my agent number has MYOB as one of my software providers.  This did not fix the problem and I had to ring the ATO to get the client sorted out.


This happened to another one of my clients some months ago as well as she also had to ring the ATO to get the software providor noted again.


I do not know and neither the ATO or MYOB could say if it was a MYOB or ATO problem.


Most small business people doing the STP reporting will assume that the retuen has gone through and not know to check the payroll reporting centre regularly.


MYOB needs to have a system in place where there is an email sent to the business to say that the return has been rejected.


This is not an impossibility as the online program payroller does this so MYOB needs to be more user friendly and assist businesses to make sure the ATO obligations are being met.


"STP reporting"

1 Comment
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461 Posts
Trusted User

Agreed. I just went to lodge this week's and saw that last week's had an "accepted with error" message. We need to know when there is any response from ATO other than "accepted".