Kend1002's avatar
12 years ago

Reports: Change report headings

I am surprised that there is no ability to change report headings.  The use of the expression such as "Profit and Loss" is not appropriate for charitable trusts or other not-for-profit organisations as an example.  The new accounting Report Standard being introduced by the External Reporting Board demands that the heading be "Statement of Receipts and Payments" so the Profit and Loss headings will not be acceptable.  Other reports should also be capable of being changed.   The use of third party programs to meet these requirements is not acceptable - the MYOB program should allow this type of change.



"Report Headings"

1 Comment

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    AccountRight 2016 allows the user to set the Header of a Report to have white text (Insert/Modify tab>>Select the field and select the White option for Text colour from the Field Properties section). You would then be able add in a Text Box (Insert/Modify tab>>Insert section) to add the desired report name in. You could even save that as a custom report if you wish to run it regularly


    For more information into customising reports in AccountRight 2016 please see Help Article: Customising reports