Gary_O's avatar
Contributing Cover User
7 years ago

Pay Bills: Payee to be bank account name not card name

Is there anywhere Cheque Payee Name could be "Bank Account Name" instead of Card Name?


In the community, it had a solution on 09-11-2015, but the solution is NOT a solution, i.e. If it does need to be changed it would need to be done a per transaction basis.


Due to the debtor finance, the Payee will be the finance company's name, not the supplier's company name (Card Name). As per the solution, which means everytime when prepare for supplier payment, MYOB user will need to find out which supplier is under debtor financing and change their name to the finance company's name. Once the cheque printed, then need to be reversed in order to easily locate the supplier while doing the data entry. This is the reason why I don't agree with the SOLUTION as a solution.


Thank you for your kind consideration to improve this.


"Different Payee Name to supplier card name"

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