AlanT's avatar
Ultimate Partner
2 years ago

Change the Report Pack so it uses a custom reports description in the Table of Contents instead of it's name

Hi Again MYOB,


I am working my way through using the new report packs and I am finding some difficulties with the custom report name and custom report description.


I have created a custom report that I would like to use in my report pack and I have given it a name to identify it as being a customised report.  i.e. BalanceSheetLastYearNoCents.


In the Description field I have just entered Balance Sheet.


When I create my report pack template, I can see this customised report based on the report name and I select to use that report.


HOWEVER, when I run the report rather than getting the description Balance Sheet in the Table of Contents, I get the code BalanceSheetLastYearNoCents.


How do I get the correct description rather than the report's Name because I am unable to select the report by it's Description when I setup the template.





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