A lovely new home for support notes
If you’ve ever had an issue with your MYOB software, chances are you’ve used our support notes. Whether it’s fixing an email issue or troubleshooting a failed import, support notes provide help when you need it most.
Lately our support notes have been undergoing a much needed makeover. Not only were they looking stale and boring, but finding the right answer for your product wasn’t as easy as it should be.
But now we’re very excited to unveil (drum roll…) our all new support notes! Not only do they look better, but the content has been overhauled to ensure it’s easy to follow. We’ve also grouped support notes by product so it’ll be easier to find answers relevant to your software version.
What we’re excited about:
- Single-product topics, such as AccountRight v19 or AccountEdge. No longer are they muddled with product variations
- Easy to scan content with detailed procedures hidden by default. Just expand the ones you need
- Getting feedback from you to improve content. Use the happy/sad faces to let us know how we’re doing
- Connecting you to other help options with relevant links added throughout
- Making it easy to find old support notes. You’ll notice an Answer ID at the top of a topic, this is the original support note number
Here’s a sample:
Where can I find them?
Support notes are accessible via our help site (help.myob.com), where you'll also have access to many other support resources for your MYOB product.
If you just want to check out the support notes, you'll also find them here:
Retail-POS (RetailManager, etc)
Important note: Update your bookmarks!
If you have bookmarks saved for regularly used support notes, now’s the time to update. The old (ugly) support notes will be turned off on 30 May, 2016.