Forum Discussion

Trevor_Harrison's avatar
Super Partner
4 years ago

MYOB Advisor - Accounts Receivable - Aged Receivable Bugs

I have asked this question many times most recently (which was a while ago) during the Accounts Payable Beta program.


There is a fundamental issue with the logic driving the Aged Receivables graph in Advisor.  I have advised MYOB of the issue and the error in the logic many times, but to date, well over 12 months later,  it has not been addressed.  I wont go into the finer detail of the issues but the effect can be seen in the screen shot below.  If you look at the description it just cannot tie up with the graph.  Just to confirm there are no returns in the system i.e. negative debtors.


This is a fantastic product if only this problem would get addressed.  I cannot send this to a client as it makes no sense and it brings into question (in their mind) the accruacy of the whole product.


I have to wonder whether this product has been abandoned?



Screenshot 2020-09-11 160844.png

3 Replies

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  • Hi Trevor_Harrison 

    I'm happy to pass back this feedback to the required team on your behalf. However, could you provide us with an example of one of the transactions that are appearing in the negative section on that report. This way we can pass on a working example of that situation occurring with the transaction that is causing that situation.

    • Trevor_Harrison's avatar
      Super Partner

      Hi Steven_M 


      I would love to supply details as requested but there is no specific transactions that make up the negative balances.  When I look at an aged receivables reports none of the balances agree to the report at all.  The only one that is close (and probably close enough) is the total.  I am running more tests but it is difficult on client files where there are many debtors.  I do have a feeling it has something to do with customer deposits (which this client has a lot of).  Customer deposits has proven problematic in the past.  The real problem here, from my understanding, is the API does not give access to Accounts Receivable balances like we see in the Accounts Receivable Reconciliation Report, they need to be calculated.

      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Trevor_Harrison 


        If there is no one particular transaction, getting a copy of the Sales Reconciliation report for that specific company business would be what is required for us to raise this with the required team.