More than one full width header image
Hi Community I am trying to set up three invoice templates with three different 'full width header images' as the client has three different lines of business within one entity. Each time I try to set up a new template it replaces all of the other template 'full width header images' with the most current one I am trying to add. Is it possible to have three invoice templates with three different 'full width header images'? I get the message in the attached file (Screen shot) Thanks a bunch LeeExpense code set up and mapping different
I am hoping someone can help me with this problem - I have created 3 new COS account codes and put them as a detail account with a supplier. However on the P&l they come out as an header account, and credit the bottom line. I have attached a file document showing the error on the account listing and on the P&L. It also shows no history in these accounts of the supplier. Please help!Solved573Views0likes1Comment