Have received an online payment, and it hasnt been automatically linked to a sale
Hi all, The other day I received an online credit card payment (reference is all the random letters and numbers like others I have received). The problem is this payment hasnt been automatically linked to the sale or customer. I know who the payment is from and for which invoice it is for. I have received other online payments within a few days of this one which have linked correctly, so Im not sure why this one hasnt. The amount obviously isnt the exact amount of the invoice due to the fees and oncharge etc. What do I do from here? I know in the past I had this issue when I had first started using the online payment feature, and it was a MYOB update that fixed it (I had posted in this forum about it https://community.myob.com/discussions/arbanking/online-payments-not-getting-allocated-nz/854550), but as other payment have worked this time it just seems like a one off issue? Using Accountright Plus NZ 2024.11.1.13 on desktop Any help appreciated, thanksSolved31Views0likes1CommentReversed Pay Super transaction listed as a match transaction on bank feed
I was instructed by the software to reverse a super payment as there was an error (I beleve one of the funds had stopped accepting contributions). I processed the reversal per the MYOB guide Reversing superannuation payments and succesfully made a new super payment that did not include the error causing contribution. The reversed payment was never debited from our account, only the subsequent successful one was. However, I have noticed that in the transactions listed to be matched with items in the bank feed, the reversed Pay Super is listed there (as per attached screenshot). Can you please advise how to remove this transaction as there never was a debit to our bank account so it cannot be matched, thank you.Solved