Delete the shipping address from Service Invoice?
Folks, we are a service business, therefore we don't actually deliver a physical product to our customers. When I want to print an invoice, the "Ship to" box is printing, so I need to stop that happening. Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't see how to delete or hide this box. Thanks.SolvedDifferent addresses for shipping and billing
Hi I need to invoice the head office of a chain of stores that I supply, so many different shipping addresses, but all billed to one account. In Accountright I was able to do this by selecting the head office as the customer, and then choosing "another card" in the billing address - (all of the stores had their own cards)- and this way the relevant store's details ended up on the invoices. I have just changed to Business Pro and there doesn't appear to be a way in this software to choose "another card" for a shipping address. Can anyone help me here please?Solved