Forum Discussion

ALLYSON's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 months ago

Different addresses for shipping and billing

I need to invoice the head office of a chain of stores that I supply, so many different shipping addresses, but all billed to one account.  In Accountright I was able to do this by selecting the head office as the customer, and then choosing "another card" in the billing address - (all of the stores had their own cards)- and this way the relevant store's details ended up on the invoices.
I have just changed to Business Pro and there doesn't appear to be a way in this software to choose "another card" for a shipping address.
Can anyone help me here please?

  • Hi there ALLYSON,


    In Business Pro, you can only have one default billing address and one default shipping address per customer. This limitation means you can't directly replicate the setup you had in AccountRight. If this feature is crucial for your operations, you might want to consider posting it to our MYOB Business Ideas Exchange board for consideration.



    Best regards,


  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi there ALLYSON,


    In Business Pro, you can only have one default billing address and one default shipping address per customer. This limitation means you can't directly replicate the setup you had in AccountRight. If this feature is crucial for your operations, you might want to consider posting it to our MYOB Business Ideas Exchange board for consideration.



    Best regards,
