Renae Petersen has a passion for learning, helping others and growing small businesses.
The working mum manages a team of bookkeepers and in recent months has become one of the most active new contributors to the Community Forum, making 200 posts under the username CloudMindAcc.
“I contribute to the MYOB Community Forum to keep myself up to date with the changes and best solutions,” says Renae. “I found the forum a useful resource to learn how other experts deal or answer queries and often now have the answers if our bookkeepers have a similar query.
“I found by reading the posts I too had the knowledge to be an expert and started helping people with their queries. I thrive on helping others and quickly found myself strangely addicted to logging in most days.”
Renae was born in a small town in New Zealand but moved to Melbourne seven years ago. She now works with award-winning MYOB Partners 2 Peas Pty Ltd assisting a variety of small businesses.
“I have the ability to look at the big picture but break the processes down to small pieces in order to achieve the overarching goals for businesses,” says Renae. “I have a passion for cloud accounting and assisting businesses to transform to the cloud by promoting the positive aspects: reducing time with bank feeds and the ability to work from anywhere.
“I offer our clients remote assistance where possible in order to have their queries solved in a fast and timely manner. It is not a problem for me to take a call at 7pm at night if it means I can help our clients if they are stuck.”
Renae loves the variety of her work, and after a long day at work and spending time with the family she is often back on the computer again at night replying to emails or browsing the Community Forum.
After working in a supermarket from age 13, Renae vowed to never again work in a job that she didn’t love. “I work on the philosophy that you work in your job 40 hours a week and if you don’t enjoy getting up to go to work it is time to move along. I have managed surround myself with employers who are passionate people and strive for the best.”
Renae’s first experience with MYOB software was self-taught when working with a start-up franchise business in New Zealand. Renae would later move to Australia with the business, and says the challenge of learning foreign tax and employment laws “was one of my greatest experiences”.
The move to Melbourne led to meeting Pam Pitt, who Renae describes as “the ultimate MYOB expert consultant who taught me everything I know about MYOB today”. “I am privileged to work alongside the 2 Peas - Pam Pitt and Pam Madytianos. I love learning from these wonderful business women every day.”
Renae’s top tips for new AccountRight users include using the “Control, Shift, F” search function and downloading the “brilliant” PayDirect mobile app. “Also, invest in a MYOB consultant to review your financials on a regular basis. It will save you money in the long run.”