Blog Post
2FA is not a mandatory requirement from the ATO. What a disservice you do to your paying customers by lying to them.
- MikeG13 months agoAdmin
Hi CatFH , there is a variety of information on the ATO to cover multiple scenarios of digital service providers. MYOB falls under the SaaS requirements. MYOB is not lying and I can confirm that we have implemented changes in consultation with the ATO
- BenModern3 months agoExperienced Cover User
But Mike, you are yet to explain on what basis - ie what was done to educate the ATO about how stupid an idea this was prior to blindly going in, what analysis of possible solutions was done to find the best one prior to going forward with this clunky one, why was there no nuance in finding a solution which only inconvenienced those who had to be inconvenienced, and finally - if MYOB did not have enough teeth to stand up to the ATO, why did MYOB not engage its user group in the early stages before DUMPING this steaming pile of manure on us - and if necessary, use us to collectively petitition the ATO for a more commonsense approach. Has MYOB learnt NOTHING in this process.
It seems the message is still not getting through - please advise how we contact the MYOB CEO - maybe LinkedIN?