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MYOB Announcements

Forum weekly update #9

JasonHill's avatar
Former Staff
12 years ago

Hi all,


Hope you have had a great week.


I had the pleasure of meeting some of the most regular contributors to the Community Forum this week. One common theme when I asked them why they contribute to the forum was the satisfaction they felt from sharing their knowledge and helping others. It was very inspiring.


While I know many people contribute not wanting anything in return, some of the changes recently introduced on the forum were designed to better recognise and reward key contributors to the forum. These include the Partner search tool, our new Expert rankings, new leaderboards, and the mouse-over functionality on the leaderboards that lets key contributors promote their businesses. We are really sorry that a bug resulted in contributors on our AccountRight Category Expert leaderboard appearing in the wrong order. Our forum platform provider Lithium has now addressed the ordering problem and will be deploying the fix next week. We have switched off the leaderboards temporarily until the issue is fixed. Our apologies.


One question that I’ve been asked on more than one occasion is how to keep track of all the threads on the forum. Obviously you can click on the Recent Topics link on our purple navigation bar from any page to receive a list of the most recent threads. But you might not know that you can also use the Unread Discussions page to quickly and easily see any threads or posts you might have missed. Hope you find it useful.


I’ve also posted some other tips for using the new-look Community Forum here. And please remember our extensive forum help guide has a lot of useful information and training videos.


This week we welcomed another 250 new members to the community, and over 700 posts were made. Special thanks to this week’s top five contributors - Clive, MummaMia, Mike_James, Tazter and ronatbas. Clive was the leader with the most posts labelled as Accepted Solutions this week. Jace_IT_Figures, Nicquel, ronatbas, Tazinx also had multiple posts marked as Accepted Solutions.  


Love your work,


Jason Hill

Community Manager 

Updated 12 years ago
Version 3.0
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