Blog Post
Hi AndrewC2340 ,
This was my decision to repost a summary of questions and answers on this topic.
It is definitely a balance between not wanting to censor feedback, and ensuring that people can find the answers they need.
If I was finding a thread in the forum about this, I wouldnt want to scroll through ~200 comments to see if someone else had the same question as me and what the answer is.
By Archiving the existing conversation, yes a lot of the emotion associated with the feedback is also removed. But the constructive questions and feedback remains.
I continue to be an advocate for customer feedback and for building a community built on respect and trust. I will not remove the comment you have made as this or any kind of censorship is not what I am about.
Thats not entirely true.
MYOB - "Mind Your Own Business" - Its become the exact opposite.
The sooner I get away from this toxic organisation the better my mental and financial health will be.
MYOB is destroying my life.
- Jo1514 hours agoExperienced Cover User
Hi Andrew, see my response. I feel we all need to dump MYOB ASAT
One more thing Mike!
Myob is not a bank and stop telling customers how to run their businesses! This is extremely bullying behaviour from Myob. We do not charge our clients a merchant fee! We are charged .65% by our merchant supplier ie. bank! You seem to want to bully businesses into paying YOU MYOB 1.8% PLUS Also we have a AIRBNB business that uses the online payment invoicing and many times the monies did not arrive in Myob but monies were in the bank. We are a multi group of companies with several types of businesses. We are also a landscaping supplier, building industry. This does not work for every business. MYOB now are only accommodating for mum and dad businesses ie. small business. We spend 20K a year with you only to be bullied into YOU MYOB telling us the client how to run our business.
I'm gob smacked at your arrogance!