Forum Discussion

NMolinaro's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Emailed Statements show as blank page using AccountRight 2022.02.0



I've recently emailed statements and have received a response from a customer that they received a blank page.  I've then had to go back in and print each statement to PDF to email separately.  This is a huge amount of work and very frustrating.  Not only does MYOB send blank pages but I can't see that anything has even sent. I'm not sure where to look.  There is nothing showing is my Outlook Sent Folder.  Please advise how I can fix the blank statement issue as well as where to see what was emailed.




  • Hi NMolinaro 


    Thanks for your post. When you use AccountRight to send emails, you can track the delivery status of your emails using the Sent Emails window, accessible from the bottom of any command centre.


    Could you try sending the statement to yourself and see if you receive this as a blank statement too?


    Sometimes PDF documents appear blank if Adobe Reader needs to be updated or when antivirus software is blocking the content from the recipients end.


    Let me know if you still are having issues with this!