Forum Discussion

Alleydande's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Need to add the same PO to recurring invoices

We offer a weekly service to our customers. Same customers every week. So we use the recurring invoices and change the quantities required . Previously if a customer needed to add a Purchase Order for every delivery for six months, a year etc we have added it to the Comment line as it was not possible to leave the same PO up at the top of the invoice where you'd normally see a PO. Yes we could add it manually before printing but no-one has previously had an issue with their PO being in bottom left hand corner of our invoice.


Today a customer advises that their accounting package scans for the PO and expects to find it top of the invoice and if not then our invoice must be checked manually.


Its years since I've checked and maybe something has changed. Does anyone know how to add a PO to recurring invoices where the PO will appear in the Customer Reference field? being to the left of the invoice number


Any assistance would be really appreciated.

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Alleydande 


    Thanks for your post and Welcome to MYOB Community Forum.


    If your customer wants to find the the Purchase Order number, you can always customise the form that you will be using for your invoices so that the Purchase Order can be on the right place in the invoice. The Help Article Personalising invoices will provide you the steps on how to do it. 


    Please let me know if you need further assistance.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.


    Best regards,

    • Alleydande's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Doreen,


      Thanks for responding.

      We already have a field for "Customer Reference" on our personalised invoices and I can add a Purchase Order individually at time of writing an invoice or add before printing into that field.


      What I can't do is add a PO to a Recurring Sale into that field. I go to Recurring Transaction list. Search for required customer. Click on the recurring invoice and there is no opportunity to add a PO. Top left of recurring invoice shows Customer Name and Ship to. On right hand side of invoice Tax inclusive/exclusive box and invitation to Set Up Online payments with all the logos. No Customer Reference field to add a PO.

      Bottom left of screen my options include a Comment Line and I have previously added the PO there.


      I could save that invoice and then go to Print/Email Invoices. Click on an individual invoice and on rhs have the Invoice Number , Date then a blank space for the Customer PO No. where I could add it individually. However the customers' Purchase Order could be a blanket order for a year. I'd rather save it to the recurring invoice than add it 52 times at time of printing.

      Have I misunderstood something?



      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Alleydande 


        Thanks for the update.


        When adding a Customer Reference to add a Purchase Order number, once you are in the Recurring Transactions List, highlight the recurring transactions. Do not click on the zoom arrow beside the transaction name instead click the "Use Recurring" so that it will allow you to add the Customer PO No.


        Please let me know if you need further assistance.


        If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.


        Best regards,