Need to add the same PO to recurring invoices
We offer a weekly service to our customers. Same customers every week. So we use the recurring invoices and change the quantities required . Previously if a customer needed to add a Purchase Order for every delivery for six months, a year etc we have added it to the Comment line as it was not possible to leave the same PO up at the top of the invoice where you'd normally see a PO. Yes we could add it manually before printing but no-one has previously had an issue with their PO being in bottom left hand corner of our invoice.
Today a customer advises that their accounting package scans for the PO and expects to find it top of the invoice and if not then our invoice must be checked manually.
Its years since I've checked and maybe something has changed. Does anyone know how to add a PO to recurring invoices where the PO will appear in the Customer Reference field? being to the left of the invoice number
Any assistance would be really appreciated.