Forum Discussion

GraphPak's avatar
12 days ago

Custom lists and reports


Looking for information on how to use custom lists with reports - I am unable to find what I am after on YouTube or this forum.

I would like to use custom lists (or any other way) to be able to track units sold of a product in different states. I have set up the custom list - but none of the reports are showing me what I need to see. Any help appreciated.

2 Replies

  • Hi GraphPak - thanks for your question.


    To add (or remove) the columns that show in a report, open the report and click the Insert/Modify tab, then click Show Hide. You can now choose the columns you want to add or remove for that report.

    Here's a help topic that explains this in a bit more detail: Add and remove report columns


    I hope this helps!



    • GraphPak's avatar

      Hi Adrian, thank you, I had tried that and it is not showing me any result, remaining as blank on the report. What report do you suggest I use to  track units sold by state? Maybe I am not using the correct report (Sales item detail).