Forum Discussion

harvey1916's avatar
Contributing User
4 years ago

converting Import File to API Required Attributes.


In our old code, the application creates a file with headers and data separated by Tab and saves it in local machine, then an employee would upload the File to MYOB account.

For an improvement, we decided to directly upload/push the invoice in the MYOB using the API. Upon reviewing and comparing, the File Header of theupload file and the required fields on the API, They are very different, can you point me or which file header corresponds to the Item Invoice API required fields?

attached is  the sample upload file that old app have created 

  • Hannah_B's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi harvey1916,


    Thanks for reaching out, Yes API vs the front-end importing option is very different. You would need to build an integration or use an existing app to integrate with AccountRight or Essentials. 


    From the file you have attached this looks like you are importing a new card file. When using the API if we wanted to POST a new card file we would want to use the endpoint `/{cf_uri}/Contact/Customer` 


    We have required and read-only fields which you can view on our endpoint documentation HERE.


    Building an AccountRight API request -

    • harvey1916's avatar
      Contributing User

      Thanks for the reply Hannah_B .

      When checking the Customer End Point API, i see that the data used are for creating/Updating/Deleting Customer Info, however my Uploaded file has Item Description and Item Lines info like Qty of Items(included in description), Unit Price per Item, Tax code of Item, and so on.,