Hi georia,
Thanks for reaching out, Yes we can update part of the order or delete parts of the order if needed. You can view our documentation on the endpoint HERE.
Depending on what you want to add or delete is what we would need to include in the body of the request. One thing to note with a PUT request is you must include every field that you want to keep otherwise this will be deleted.
I have included a snippet below of the Item body. You can complete a GET request first to obtain the Full body to modify this as needed.
"Type": "Transaction",
"Description": "Cooler Large",
"ShipQuantity": 1.000000,
"UnitPrice": 520.000000,
"UnitPriceForeign": null,
"DiscountPercent": 0.000000,
"Total": 520.000000,
"TotalForeign": null,
"Item": {
"UID": "90dfd167-a13f-4706-8207-1f6094XXXXXX",
"Number": "100",
"Name": "Cooler Large",
"URI": "https://ar1.api.myob.com/accountright/XXXXXXXX2-d2a7-4539-86df-5d47XXXXXXX/Inventory/Item/90dfd167-a13f-4706-8207-1f6094XXXXX"
"Job": null,
"TaxCode": {
"UID": "XXXXXXX-bce8-4da0-986c-a3bbddXXXXXXXX",
"Code": "GST",
"URI": "https://ar1.api.myob.com/accountright/36c69572-d2a7-4539-86df-5d47256XXXXXX/GeneralLedger/TaxCode/2ab1cf79-bce8-4da0-986c-a3bbdd1XXXXXX"
"Location": {
"UID": "0b9c04d4-ae7f-4c10-aa5f-XXXXXXXXXX,
"Identifier": "ALocation2",
"Name": "Second Location",
"URI": "https://ar1.api.myob.com/accountright/XXXXX72-d2a7-45XXXXXX-5d47256dXXXX/Inventory/Location/0b9c04d4-ae7f-4c10-aa5f-XXXXXXXX"
"RowVersion": "-3007345721385XXXX"