Unsupported browser error
- 7 months ago
Just thought I would provide an update on this topic, for partners with Microsoft Access VBA apps that used the WebBrowser (IE) control to handle MYOB's authentication process.
Microsoft has created an "Edge Browser Control" specifically for Access, but this is incompatible with MYOB's authentication process. Basically you need to provide the control with a pre-defined list of trusted URLs that it can redirect to. But because the MYOB authentication process returns a different auth code in the URL every time, it is impossible to predict what those URLs will be.
The solution I found was a company who created an ActiveX "wrapper" around the WebView2 component, to make it compatible with Microsoft Access. The component is located here: https://antview.dev/. I've done some testing with the 30 day trial, and it works. The full version is 300 euros (around A$500).
Here is the VBA code for my Access MYOBLogin form, if anyone is interested. "EdgeBrowser2" is the name of the AntView browser control.
Option Compare Database Private Sub Form_Load() Dim strURL As String MYOB_KEY = GetMYOBKey() strURL = "https://secure.myob.com/oauth2/account/authorize?client_id=" & MYOB_KEY & "&redirect_uri=http:%2F%2Fdesktop&response_type=code&scope=CompanyFile" ' the below command is necessary so we can use the OnNavigationCompletedHex event, ' as Access doesn't support the LongLong parameter in the OnNavigationCompleted event Me.EdgeBrowser2.EventsUseHexadecimal = True Me.EdgeBrowser2.Navigate strURL End Sub Private Sub EdgeBrowser2_OnNavigationCompletedHex(ByVal IsSuccess As Boolean, ByVal WebErrorStatus As TxWebErrorStatus, ByVal NavigationIdHex As String) Dim b As String b = Me.EdgeBrowser2.Source If b Like "*code=*" Then MYOB_CODE = Right(b, Len(b) - 21) ' remove "http://desktop/?code=" MYOB_CODE = Left(MYOB_CODE, InStr(MYOB_CODE, "&scope=") - 1) ' remove everything from "&scope=" to the end of the string Debug.Print MYOB_CODE UpdateMYOBCode MYOB_CODE ' sub to save the auth code to a table, so it can be used to get the token DoCmd.Close acForm, "MYOBLogin" ' close the login form End If End Sub