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sfarrar's avatar
9 months ago

MYOB Advanced Report Designer



I cannot find where to download the report designer tool for MYOB Advanced. Can you please point me in the right direction?



2 Replies

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  • Hi,


    I am new to MYOB Payroll Advanced and need all the information I can get!! Did you end up finding this report designer? Can you provide more information?

    I would love to be abale to develop more reports in payroll advanced, but I find the Generic Inquiry screens impossible to understand.

  • Will_H's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    HI  sfarrar ,

    Sorry you didn't get a reply on this earlier.  
    The report  designer can be reached at the screen "Download MYOB Advanced Tools"
    The screenID is "FILEGETTER"

    If you can't find this screen you might be missing the required role: "ReportDesigner".  Your administrator should be able to add this role to your user if you don't have access yourself.


    Please be aware:
    There are effectively 3 report writers in MYOB Advanced, being:

    • Analytic Reports
      An excellent way to get to your General Ledger data, and generally the least technical writer since you're mostly deciding on your Row Sets, Column Sets & Unit Sets.
    • Generic Inquiries 
      A great way to get data to view on screen or export to Excel, less good for printing. 
    • Report Designer Reports.
      These are very powerful, but generally more complicated to write than Generic Inquriies.   Almost all printed reports are from the Report Designer.


    sfarrar ,

    The above should work for you as well, but please be aware that the report writers in Advanced Business are fairly technical.

    If you're looking to find further learning related to Reports in MYOB Advanced then we have some courses about the ARM reporter (General Ledger reporting) over in the MYOB Learning Academy:

    If you're looking for the full technical information that consultants use to set up the system, I recommend the S150 Report Designer course from Acumatica as an excellent starting point:

    Depending on your familiarity with SQL, you may also want to do some learning about SQL Joins, as the language used to write queries in Advanced is similar to SQL. 

    My favorite starter SQL source is here;
    But anything that teaches you about "Joins" is a good concept to get your head around.
    But there are tonnes of tutorials available online for SQL.