Forum Discussion

Trumps's avatar
MYOB Staff
3 days ago

502 Gateway Errors

Good Morning


Over the last few days we have seen a small number of sites report that they are receiving the above error when either trying to login or action specific workflows within their site.


Other symptoms have included the "spinning wheel of death".


Platform are aware of this issue and are working towards a resolution as priority. The initial suspicion is that the CrowdStrike agents may not have refreshed correctly when the fix was applied.


Platform are looking to force a reinstall of the agents but in parallel have been provisioning new nodes or migrating affected sites as these were reported. Some sites may notice a slight degradation in performance while these activities are ongoing.


The issue has been raised with the MYOB Incident Management Team and as always you can follow any status updates at


Mark Trumper
Product and Platform Team Leader

4 Replies

  • Thank you for sharing Mark. This is good information, and helps in understanding some of the reports and issues I am seeing. One customer reported the 504 Gateway error had returned, but now I suspect they were misreporting 502 errors.

  • Update 25/7: Platform have applied fixes to the affected sites and nodes and are now running manual checks on the rest of our stacks.

  • Update 25/7 2:24 NZT: Since Monday, 15 customers have reported 502 Bad Gateways errors when trying to access their sites, after investigation our Platform team identified that the problem affects only the instances provisioned before 20th July (the CrowdStrike outage day).

    The Platform Team tried the workaround advised by CS but that has not helped.  In order to permanently fix this disruption, the Platform team will be replacing older instances with new ones tonight.

    Next Steps: Replace all of the older instances with new ones tonight

    Impact: Some customers getting 502 Bad Gateway error message when accessing their sites

    Workaround: Migrating sites to new stacks or instances as required

    Next Update: 26/07

  • Update 26/7 9:08 NZT


    Platform have managed to replace the bulk of the affected instances last night, with the remainder to be actioned over the weekend.

    Overall the space is looking fine, but if you continue to see any 502 errors coming through please  raise a ticket through to support.