Forum Discussion

James_Brading's avatar
MYOB Product Manager
6 years ago

MYOB Advanced 2016.1.6

Hi all,


The team has been busy with the final touches of the next release (2018.1.6) for MYOB Advanced which will contain a combination of new features along with fixes, details of all of these will be included in the release notes.


We were intending to have the local installer available for EAP on Friday, however, a few technical gremlins have prevented that and I will update this posting when the installer becomes available.


Based on the timing there are a few challenges to the deployment schedule, once we have worked through the options I will publish the details.


Any questions, please let me know






2 Replies

  • James_Brading's avatar
    MYOB Product Manager

    Hi all,


    Quick update on the release version is that the team have completed the work and the testing is going well. As such we should be in a position to have an EAP local install version available to download early next week. As soon as the links are updated for the download, I will post a reply and let you know.


    Deployment plans


    Currently, based on time of the month and available deployment windows, we do not have plans to do a bulk deployment of this version to all production sites. We will instead be looking to deploy the version to certain groups of sites (discussed below) at a time and date to be discussed with the partners involved in the groups.


    In terms of the groups of sites that we are aware of requiring the version, there are three categories:

    • Sites involved in the Bank Feeds EAP
    • Sites involved in the NZ Payday Filing EAP
    • Sites needing the release due to bug fixes inside the new version.

    Sites involved in the Bank Feeds EAP

    For the partners involved in the Bank Feeds EAP, Annette will be reaching out to you once the build is available for upgrade options for those sites


    Sites involved in the NZ Payday Filing EAP

    Grant / Karin will be reaching out to you once the build is available for upgrade options


    Sites needing the release due to bug fixes

    I will be working with support to identify the sites that we are aware of, based on support tickets logged, that would benefit from the release. I will then publish out available deployment windows and we will work with the partners involved to schedule the sites into an upgrade window.


    On top of these sites, we will also be looking to deploy this version to partner demo sites. Again, I will post up details of when this is scheduled.


    If you have any questions on the above, please reach out 




    • James_Brading's avatar
      MYOB Product Manager

      Hi all,


      By now I am sure you have all realised that this posting refers to 2018.1.6, not 2016.1.6, naturally, this was an intentional test to see who was reading the postings!


      I am pleased to say the release is now available and local installs can be downloaded from the usual place using the current link. 


      I have outlined the plans for the deployment of the release is my prior postings, as such, we will start working through and actioning those plans.


      Any questions, please let me know


