Forum Discussion

James_Brading's avatar
MYOB Product Manager
7 years ago

MYOB Advanced 2018

Hi all,


We have a new release of the 2018.1.0 version that we will be rolling out to the EAP sites next week. However, below is a link to a local install version that you can download.


Please note, we will continue to be putting out updated versions of the release, so if you download a version we would ask that you run the updates when new versions become available.


I have also attached the first draft copy of the release and upgrade notes, please do not distribute these documents yet.


One topic that has not been included in this version of the upgrade notes is the manner in which companies and branches are managed during the upgrade process with the change to the new company / branch structure. We will include this shortly and make the information available as there is some pre-upgrade work that may be required to achieve the desired outcome post upgrade.


For those partners waiting on sandboxes, we will action the new sandboxes shortly


Any questions, please let me know




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  • James_Brading's avatar
    MYOB Product Manager

    Hi all,


    Apologies for the delay, however, the latest version of the 2018.1.0 release has been applied to all the EAP sandboxes for the purposes of testing.


    I have also attached the technical release notes to this post. These were made available previously, but having thim on this post consolidates the access to the required information.


    During the course of this week I will be posting out details about the release strategy for the version 


    Any questions, please let me know





    • James_Brading's avatar
      MYOB Product Manager

      Hi all,


      Please be aware that we intend upgrading all the 2018.1 EAP sites later today with the latest build of the version


