Forum Discussion

Roger_Bray's avatar
Valued Partner
5 years ago

Anyone succeeded in setting up MYOB Advanced SMTP mail with G Suite

Regular free G-Mail   I have successully sent email from our demo site using a free G-Mail account by following the MYOB Advanced instructions. These are better described for Accumatica here https...
  • Roger_Bray's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi All


    I did set up a G-Suite trial subscription using a subdomain and added an madv@<subdomain> as a second user (i.e not admin@).


    After a lot of poking around and reading G-Suite help files I discovered that to make Accumatica work you treat the selected email account as if it was NOT a G-Suite account, i.e treat is as a Gmail account rather than a domained email account and use the same instructions, as per the link in my original post.


    To generate the key you need to login to as the ACCOUNT YOU WANT TO USE. You DON"Tlogin to the G-Suite console and acccess the users profile from there. i.e treat it as you would a regular Gmail account.


    In the System Email Accounts in MYOB Advanced:


    Servers tab

      Email address = the domained email address i.e  madv@<subdomain>

      Incomming Mail Protocol = IMAP

      Root folder (on Server) = InBox

      Incomming mail Server = blank (assuming you dont want incomming mail)

      Outgoing mail server = and NOT !!!! =  imap.<domain/subdomain> 

      Username = domained emal address e.g madv@<subdomain> 

      Password = the 16 CHAR KEY generated (incluing the spaces between each segment)


    Advanced settings tab

     Outgoing server requires authetication = true (leave Logon using = false to use authetication from Servers tab)

     Incomming server requires encrypted connection = True (auto sets 993/587 for ports

     Outgoing server encrtpted connection = TLS 


    I hope this saves others a lot of time.