Forum Discussion

KevinLong's avatar
Contributing Partner
2 months ago

Batch Payments Export Does Not Work for One User


A client has one user who cannot create the export file for Batch Payments. When they click the Export button, the process looks like to run and a message pops up that a file has been created. However, no file is actually created. We've checked the Downloads folder and have done a search for the file on her computer. We log that user out and another in on the same computer. The new user clicks the Export button and the file is successfully created.


The user can download other reports etc - just seems to be exporting this file that is a problem. I can't find any security settings to restrict this. No idea if it makes any difference, but this is for Kiwibank and has a .kbb file extension.


Any thoughts on where I can look?


Kevin Long

6 Replies

  • GraemeLM's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    Does it create the file and show a number on the FILES button at the top right of screen?

    Have seen something similar where the users browser wasn't triggering a download correctly, or prompting for a save location.

    The workaround was to click FILES, then on the pop-up click the File Name to trigger the download.


    • KevinLong's avatar
      Contributing Partner

      Hi Graeme

      Thanks for the reply. Yes - it does actually create the file, just doesn't download it. We've used that workaround you suggested. Very weird that it only does it for this user though.




      • Will_H's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi KevinLong
        Are they using their same Chrome/Firefox/Edge profile on the other computer?  I could see this being related to some kind of profile information if that was being ported around by people.

        Otherwise, as you and Graeme have noted, weird.  Though this does sound like something you could control depending on how you set your preferences in Chrome. 

        Watching exactly what people click, and what their browser does, might be informative.  Could really rabbithole on this for not much value though.

  • KevinLong's avatar
    Contributing Partner

    Hi Will

    The user has the same issue if they go to another computer. Another user does not have the issue from on the affected users computer. It seems to be an MYOB issue and not a local computer or network user issue.




    • Will_H's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi KevinLong ,

      Thanks for that.

      That suggests it's actually related to the User, 

      Almost all User issues come down to one of:

      • Roles (And the access rights associated to them)
      • Restriction Groups
      • Branch restrictions.


      I suggest comparing a user that's working with the user that isn't, it's almost certain to be Role-based permissions not allowing them to create the file in some manner.

  • Will_H's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Does it work if the same user uses someone else's computer?
    Doe sit work if another user uses their computer?

    If it did, then that would suggest it's some kind of browser or antivirus setting. (I don't expect this to be the case, but it's good to rule out).