Forum Discussion

GraemeLM's avatar
Trusted Partner
5 months ago

Custom selector field working in one tenant, but errors in second tenant

I have a custom field working as expected in Tenant 1, but in other tenants it errors. Publishing was performed using the Publish to Multiple Tenants button.   POOrder.CustomField is a selecto...
  • GraemeLM's avatar
    5 months ago

    Changed approach and used a different method to define the Item Class. Instead of using a constant in the code, created a custom checkbox on the Item Class, to flag it as the relevant class for the selector to show items of that class.


    Item Class DAC Extension:

    public class INItemClassExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.IN.INItemClass>
      #region CustomItemClassFlag
      [PXUIField(DisplayName="Custom Item Class Flag")]
      public virtual Boolean? CustomItemClassFlag { get; set; }
      public abstract class customItemClassFlag : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<customItemClassFlag> { }

    Purchase Order DAC Extension:

    public class POOrderExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.PO.POOrder>
      #region CustomField
      [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Custom Field")]
              InnerJoin<INItemClass, On<InventoryItem.itemClassID, Equal<INItemClass.itemClassID>>>,
              Where<INItemClassExt.customItemClassFlag, Equal<True>>>),
          SubstituteKey = typeof(InventoryItem.inventoryCD),
          DescriptionField = typeof(InventoryItem.descr))]
      public string CustomField { get; set; }
      public abstract class customField : IBqlField { }