Forum Discussion

starkedan's avatar
3 years ago

Is MYOB out of its depth with MYOB Advanced?

I have been using MYOB advanced for over a year now and there are many things that make me wonder if there really is a comprehensive understanding of the Acumatica product at MYOB. It feels like MYOB is a branding company, not a software company, who have put a purple dress on Acumatica and are unable to help it fit into the real world wearing such robes.



Could an end user poll be taken, to see if any of us actually cared if you simply dropped the MYOB charade and switched us all over to Acumatica James_Brading ?


Acumatica is really what the product is, putting the MYOB badge on it might have been a marketing coup but it really seems like we are left with a poor second cousin, whereas if we were put back in the fold with other Acumatica users, where the product is properly managed, has the support forums and communitity of developers and users who all work together wouldn't it just be a lot easier and superior for everyone?


An example of what i mean... no outlook function, despite it being an acumatica native since 2017: 


Such a poor cousin, we dont even get a seat at the MYOB family table:

  • ValV - great news!!! 


    The longstanding outlook issue has been fixed in the release this week. There is a brand new MYOB advanced version of the acumatica plugin that is fantastic.


    Full credit to James_Brading and yourself for getting this sorted since our call late last year


    Here's to 2022

4 Replies

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  • ValV's avatar
    MYOB Staff

    Hi starkedan,


    Thank you for your feedback.


    The MYOB Advanced platform and Acumatica's ERP solution has many differences.


    The MYOB Advanced platform provides an integrated solution across ERP, payroll and workforce management along with deeper capabilities for business workflows in Manufacturing, Construction and Professional Services.


    We proudly utilise Acumatica’s core and make significant investments to tailor the software for businesses in Australia and New Zealand.


    Our local team of over 100 people across product and technology are always balancing ease of use and deep functionality so I would like to understand if there was a specific area we could address for you. In regards to your two specific concerns, I will address those directly in those threads. 




    Head of Product

    • ValV and James_Brading  - no progress on this? It seems like there is no functional way to shuttle mail into MYOBA? James I have added you into an email thread today. 

      • starkedan's avatar

        ValV - great news!!! 


        The longstanding outlook issue has been fixed in the release this week. There is a brand new MYOB advanced version of the acumatica plugin that is fantastic.


        Full credit to James_Brading and yourself for getting this sorted since our call late last year


        Here's to 2022

    • Hello ValV 


      Certainly looking forward to your reply as to the Outlook plugin. Please be sure to tag me