Forum Discussion

Blair_Kershaw's avatar
Experienced Partner
11 months ago

MYOB Advanced Subaccounts

We are working on restructuring a clients Chart of accounts, and are looking to introduce Subaccounts.


Does anyone know of any 'gotchas' these might create. (ie performance issues, etc.)


Any insights would be gratefully received.

2 Replies

  • Subaccounts are great for analysing GL better and can be super powerful.

    Subaccounts for business divisions or areas, or even sales people (a way to do salespersons budgets) is mostly utilized.   You can use Unit sets in GL reports to expand subaccounts easily.


    They invaribly can be used on any GL account, so if that is the case use subaccounts, but otherwise if a particular area of the GL is only in one area like say Fuel costs, use an account class to summate and different GL accounts for the different say staff members rather than subaccounts.

    Keep them simple, and try not to complicate it, as clients can find it difficult.

    The automatic combination of them can also be powerful, but to limit mistakes you can set it for this not to happen, but then customer must maintain all their combinations manually that they might require.

  • So far I personally have not come across any performance issue due to Subaccount, but many "Combine Sub From" setting across the whole system might drive your client crazy and you may sometimes have to expand the "Combine Sub From" dropdown list by customisations.

    Financial reports get impacted too, as there is no native option to expand both Account and Sub.

    Maintaining Subaccount segment values might be something you will need to teach your client again and again.


    The above just came into my mind, good luck!