Forum Discussion

Will_SolnX's avatar
Super Partner
6 years ago

Timesheeting tie ins for Advanced?

Hi all,

I've had a prospect ask me the question, is there a good Timesheeting tie in for Advanced.


They're a contractor, who is looking for ideally:

Integration from Advanced

  • Pull employee settings
  • Pull Job settings
  • Be able to define what Time types and allowances are available, and billable, as part of this pull.

Employee Portal

  • Note down what hours they worked, allowances accrued, leave applied for.  Job/TimeCode enforcement from Advanced Integration

Customer Portal

  • Approve Hours worked by workers as having happened/being good to bill/good to pay.

Supervisor Portal

  • Approve Hours worked by workers as having happened/good to pay.


Integration to Payroll

  • Give approved time details to Payroll for Payroll to pay people
  • Possibly give Costing information for Jobs/Projects (if Payroll is going to generate the costing journals.)

Integration to Advanced

  • Give approved time details to Advanced for Billing via Jobs/Projects
  • Give approved time details to Advanced for Costing via Jobs/Projects (Possibly via Payroll)


I know there are a huge range of timesheeting applications out there for contracting companies/service companies, so I imagine there's probably an exact right fit for my prospect out there somewhere.  Hoping to hear about good/bad experiences from the rest of the community before I steer the client down a particular path.

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