Forum Discussion

Will_H's avatar
MYOB Moderator
11 months ago

Advanced WFM - Important -when adding system users make sure to set Notification Email.

Hi all,

Due to a change in the 9.8 release of Advanced WFM the way system users (Partner users & super users mostly) are invited came into effect.


Post 9.9 adding a user always send an Invite link that needs to be accepted, instead of just adding to an existing account.

This means:

1. You need to have Notifications Enabled for the site (Company Settings) to be able to add system users

2. You need to set a Notification Email when you add System Users so you can resend lost invites.



Unfortunately, it is not possible to resend these links unless you have the Notification Email filled in.

When adding system users please make sure you always fill in the Notification Email per the below screenshot:

The "Enable Notifciations" box should always be set to No for Partner & Super users, as this governs if you receive notifications for employee events. (Which include customer PII).

If the Notification email is not set when you make a system user, there is no way to resend the invite email if it gets lost.

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