Forum Discussion

jo61's avatar
2 years ago


Hello,  I am importing a sales/timebilling file but keep getting the following message:

Error -190: Customer not found. Sale invoice not imported.


I am not sure why as I exported the file out with the clients names so cannot work out why it wont import back in.


I cannot attach the file for privacy reasons - I would appreciate any suggestions

  • Hi jo61 , if you are matching on the company name field, then make sure that the cardid and record ID fields are unmatched.

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi jo61 , if you are matching on the company name field, then make sure that the cardid and record ID fields are unmatched.

      • Leneth_A's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi jo61
        Thank you for your post. Please allow me to extend to you a very warm welcome to the Community Forum. We are glad that you found this forum a useful tool for your concerns. We regret that you encountered issues when importing sales because of the error message you are getting. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. 
        I would also like to thank Mike for his suggestion that fixed your problem. Your active participation is important to us, and we truly value your contributions to our community. 
        In case you have gone through challenges when importing, you may also refer to our Help Article Import troubleshooting and for other tips on dealing with these Import errors. 

        Please return to the Community Forum if you have any further inquiries. We are always here to provide support and guidance on the forum. 

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